About Me

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In a nutshell, I'm a dreamer, an author, a poet, a reader, an equestrian, a beach goer, a horror film fanatic, a crazed zombie lover, a chocolate Reese eater, and an animal activist.

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Wise Words - Book Blogger

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My New Friend

So I was at work, and I just happened to glance into one of the kid's washcloths bins. This little guy stuck out like a sore thumb, looking all gothic in a rainbow of washcloths. He came from a quarter machine right by the registers, and for whatever reason, the person who bought him didn't like him. He was still in his plastic case with a yellow lid, of all colors, and he hadn't even been touched. I guess finding him was just a little funny because I kept telling myself I wanted one of those stupid black and red voodoo dolls, but I didn't really want to waste 75 cents on one because I like to keep my quarters for doing laundry or spare change when I'm running low on the green stuff. And even worse, this poor little guy has already been through so much in one day. The dog got a hold of him when I was using the bathroom, and he started to unravel at the bottom. Luckily, I was able to tuck his goods back inside, but I had to rinse the dog slobber off in the sink and dry him with a paper towel. I hate to say it, but he might not survive another attack because this dog eats everything from toilet paper to shoes.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some fun in the sun!

I have had a blast this summer. As a kid, I used to go to the beach every other weekend, but now as an adult, I am barely able to take off work to head to the beach for some fun in the sun. I have gone to the beach this summer more than I have gone in the past five years put together. Now, that's a lot!

The beach isn't a place I go to check out hot dudes with ripped abs or to bake in the sun in my bikini. It is a place I like to relax and feel comfortable, and I always end up bringing home souvenirs that most people wouldn't even think to look for while playing in the hot sand.

Do you see all those lovely rocks? They will one day be the death of me because I will literally sit in them all day, searching for indian beads and beach glass. I always end up going home with a bag full of beach goodies, but I also always end up going home with a body covered in sun burn. It's a price I'm willing to pay, though, because I love playing in the rocks and having a good old time. The first time I went, my friend and I decided to collect a bunch of big rocks and spell our names in the sand. It was pretty neat and ended up staying on the beach for the next three weeks until people eventually trampled the remains and mother nature slowly tore down our brilliant art work. The last time I went to the beach, only my friend's name remained, and it was barely legible, but I was still amazed to see something she and I had done together almost a month ago.

As for how beautiful the beach is, the sunset picture alone explains it. The way the sun bounces off the clouds and water is absolutely wonderful. It reminds me of all those times as a kid when I was taken to the beach just to watch the sun go down, just to see mother nature following her normal nighttime rituals.

There I am again, literally playing in the rocks like a little girl. I guess some things just don't change over time. --- Last but not least, it a sight just to see Chicago across the lovely Michigan Lake. At times, you can't see anything at all, but every once in a while you'll get a glimpse of the big city so small across the water. It's mesmerizing to see and totally worth the two hour drive.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sworn to Secrecy

Hey guys! I know I don't blog enough; mostly because I have been extremely lazy. Nothing new has been going on with me. I am constantly trying to work on my books, but things get hectic sometimes, and it has been hard to focus on my own words lately. For a while there, I was working on the second book in my series Zombies Don't Throw Rocks, but right now I am working on the second book in my series Supernatural Living. The book itself is called Sworn to Secrecy, and I can't say that it will be published any time within the next month because it needs a lot of work and I haven't quite finished writing it. I am also struggling with which cover I should use for the book because I can't decide if the pink one makes the story seem like some sort of erotica involving Werewolves. I'm going to let you guys tell me which one you like more, and we'll see what's to come when the book gets closer to being finished. I like both covers, but pink is definitely not my color; the Werewolf on the front, however, fits with the story in certain aspects. Lots to think about.